Friday Devblog #5

Last week was a very fun and strange one. I finally found courage to get back to interface coding after writing mostly events for a long time. A lot of people kept complaining about the lack of rollback and and "History" being inconvenient to get to. So I thought that it was time to get something done about this. After several hours of coding, looking through documentation and consulting people of discord, I finally managed to make "History" tab that would open with a wheel roll-up, and close when scrolled all the way down. Now only visual design remained. Easy, right? WRONG! Not only did I have to go through 9 different variants before having to stop on the one that was kind of ok (will definitely have to rework that one later), but I also nearly melted my PC by having renpy tile a 1000*1000 pixel frame with dynamic 1 by 1 pixel transparent images by accident. Could not understand for a longest time, why it too several Gigahertz of processing power to run a "History" window.

Took me some time to get back into working pace after all that, but I did manage to write a new random event for Enchantment class, as well as the fourth story-event for Lily. Only 6 girl-events left before we will be more or less set for the next major update.

On the art side, Shady Two was mostly focused of finishing some artworks that went into the latest build such as the panty-shot during the broom races and Lily's introductory artwork. So we don't really have anything substantial to tease today. And since Shady Two is away on business this week. Nothing is likely to pop-up next week either. But let's keep up hope, that Shady Two will do some magic and surprise us all!

And on this hopeful note,

Till next magical week!

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